
9. Visualisation

Visualisation is available for a few of the algorithms used in Waveform to help you debug any problems you may come across with them. They allow you to walk through the stages of the algorthm visually, to hopefully help you understand where things are going wrong. Open the Visualisation tutorial to get started.

Visualise Normals

Select the Compose item, and turn on Visualise Normals in the Vis menu to see this:


This will show you the direction of the normals, which may help you track down any problems you are having with lighting.

Note: Use the +/- keys to move back and forth between the meshes in any of the visualisations.

Visualise Separate UV Meshes

Select the Cylinder pattern, and set the UV to CylinderUV. Then turn on Visualise Separate UV Meshes in the Vis menu to see this:


This can be useful when placing seams on a complex model, and checking that it is actually being split up as it should. If you get errors with the LSCM UV unwrap process in the error list, this should be the first port of call to check the seams are correct.

Visualise CSG Process

CSG ususally works best under controlled circumstances, such as in programs that make sure the model is a closed shape, or is a specific design. As you can combine any arbitary mesh in Waveform, it can sometimes go wrong for reasons unknown. Open the Compose item, and turn on Visualise CSG Process in the Vis menu:


From here you can you can move through the process, and hopefully understand where things are going wrong so you can correct your model.

Further help

If the visualisations don't help you solve your problem, you can try getting support on the community forum instead.

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